
On-page and Off-page SEO: What is more effective

On-page and Off-page SEO. What is more effective

On-page and Off-page SEO: What is more effective


December 22, 2019

When performing both On-Page and Off-Page SEO, a webmaster should know which SEO tools and methods are most useful so that they can focus their attention on these methods and tools. Knowing which techniques will help your site achieve the desired ranking in search engine result for selected keywords will help the webmaster or SEO expert prioritize the methods that will produce the best results.

If you are new to SEO (I have explained what is SEO and how it works in another article) you may wonder why SEO is paid so much attention. Search engine optimization or SEO practice is to increase the presence of a website or blog on the Internet by making it higher in search engine results. In the past, many site have been practicing SEO that is unfavorable to reader; Also known as black hat SEO. Google made some changes recently to improve its service to search engine users. This undermined the effectiveness of SEO black hats and led to a change in the industry for the better.

To know what types of SEO software and techniques are active, you need to know the ranking factors of search engine optimization techniques. The two main ranking factors are SEO on-page and off-page.

What is On-page SEO?

The Search Engine Optimization page consists of the techniques used on the destination site. If you have a website and you want to rank higher in the search results for the keywords you choose, you should start working to make your website easier for visitors. Some of the techniques you might want to do include adding relevant content with particular keywords, improving site navigation, and adding different types of meta tags. You can also enhance the usefulness of your website, but these three are the ones most used in search engine optimization.

We have written an article talking about on-page seo techniques in more details.

What is the off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO, in turn, includes techniques that outsourcing uses to improve your site’s ranking in search engine results. The most controversial method outside of search engine optimization is inbound link cultivation. In the past, the numerous links that led to your site and its content gained a lot of weight in search results. However, recent updates have changed all of this, and those who have misused this type of SEO are being penalized for a lower value. Other types of off-page SEO sites build their writing privileges on selected Google sites and create guest blogs.

You can read my another article about off-page seo techniques to better understand off-page SEO.

What should you focus on?

How to choose the priority between on-page and off- page SEO is quite difficult sometimes. First, you need to determine the usefulness of your website. Search engines usually want to recommend websites that are useful to their users. This means that initially a lot of SEO is done on the page. If you do search engine optimization properly on your site, people will start to notice your content and start getting real search engine optimization from your website. You need to improve the search engine optimization of your page when you are satisfied with the usefulness of your website.

On-page SEO and Off-page SEO - Keyword Competitiveness
In Google Keyword Planner, you can check the “Competition” of keywords.

One way to choose between on-page SEO and off-page SEO is based on the keyword competitiveness (KC). For example, if the competitiveness of keyword you choose to rank is low, you still have chance to rank your site on the first page of Google search result without any backlink if your site has great content and your site is not too new. If the KC is high such as “car insurance”, having perfect on-page SEO is not enough, utilizing off-page SEO technique is the only key to succeed.

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